The Importance of Sound Insulation Testing in New Builds

The Importance of Sound Insulation Testing in New Builds

To ensure that new build properties meet specific standards for sound insulation, sound insulation testing needs to be done. It’s a requirement for all new build properties that share a party wall to have sound testing carried out, to ensure compliance with Building Regulations Approved Document E. Sound insulation testing is especially important for new build properties when noise is being tested for the very first time. Here’s why it’s something that can’t be overlooked.


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Airborne Sound Explained

When building, converting, or generally making improvements to a building, sound insulation is a consideration that cannot be overlooked. There are two main types of sound which are under scrutiny when it comes to construction and sound insulation, airborne sound and structure-borne (impact) sound. This article is designed to help you understand in greater detail what airborne sound is, what causes it, and how it can be reduced.

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What Is Sound Insulation Testing?

Sound Insulation Testing Engineer using Sound Insulation Testing Equipment

Put simply, Sound Insulation Testing is a test carried out to check the sound insulation performance of certain elements of a building. Part E of the Building Regulations require that when any new or converted building results in two adjoining dwellings being separated by party (shared) walls or floors, they must be tested to ensure they are sufficiently insulated to avoid excess noise passing between them. 

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